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Improving Citizen Services

Metropolitan Strategies and Solutions is a Data Analytics and Community Outreach firm based in Washington, D.C., New York City, and St. Louis. We specialize in helping state and local government agencies use technology to improve their citizen services in a community-focused and sustainable manner.

About MSS

A message from CEO and Founder, LeJuan Strickland​

Since 2010, Metropolitan Strategies & Solutions has provided excellent consulting services to small businesses, large corporations, and government agencies. Our expertise and resources help our clients become world-class data-driven organizations. A single purpose drives us: to empower our clients by providing tangible and practical solutions that address their most complex challenges.

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Our Success Stories

Transforming the Public Sector

At Metropolitan Strategies & Solutions, we take pride in our clients' success. We work with diverse organizations, from small businesses to multi-million-dollar corporations, and help them achieve their goals through innovative technology solutions. We have experience working with some of the most complex infrastructures in government. We help each of our clients address significant challenges that have a lasting impact on their organization.​

Organizations That Trust MSS

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